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Monday, September 21, 2009

Cows & Cones

This ice cream joke comes courtesy of the hardwork and research done by one of my favorite indie rock bands, WE ARE SCIENTISTS. So here it is straight from the Sci-Cave folks!

And the difference between a cow and ice cream?
Ice cream's contents are enclosed by waffle, and a cow waffles when you ask him to disclose his contents!

See for more awesome yokes n' yuks.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

My 1972 Ice Cream Bible

The Great American Ice Cream book by Paul Dickson is my ice cream bible and probably one of the best used bookstore purchases I've ever made ($2 at the Iliad in North Hollywood in case you were wondering). As I make my way, slowly but surely (because I'm also reading the Johnny Cash Autobiography, The Who Sell Out by John Dougan and Lessons of a Lipstick Queen by Poppy King at the same time), through this massive text there are bound to be quotes from it and musings inspired by it along the way. To kick it off I'll start with the quote at the very beginning of the book, before you even hit the table of contents! that sounds like a line from some trippy Belle & Sebastian or Neutral Milk Hotel song.

"The only emperor is the emperor of ice cream." - Wallace Stevens

Ponder that.

Hubby Hubby! Wifey Wifey!

If peanut butter cookie dough ice cream, fudge and pretzels can be married in holy matrimony so should everyone else!

Ben & Jerry’s celebrated the freedom for gays and lesbians to marry in it’s home state of Vermont at the beginning of this month by changing the name of it’s famous chubby hubby flavor to hubby hubby. And the taste of freedom is sweet!

Partnered with the marriage equality group Freedom to Marry, Ben & Jerry’s are promoting awareness of the issue in the frozen section of your neighborhood grocery store and online. More info can be found at or

Now how about a Wifey Wifey flavor for all of us lovely ladies?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Wear Your Ice Cream